saint of God's exhilaration while engaging the forces of Hell in
spiritual warfare, standing relentlessly for Truth in the face of Hell's
most vociferous, pernicious lies, and taking hard blows from Truth's
most malicious enemies, is an exhilaration that infinitely exceeds the
rush of a football team against a receiver, the scramble of a basketball
team for a goal, or the passing of a baseball over a fence.
The Early Church cast out devils, raised the dead, rebuked sicknesses
and diseases, and preached amidst a great froth of controversy while
being opposed and threatened from every direction. Yet they rejoiced to
suffer for the cause of Christ, and defied every attempt to silence them
in their crusade for Truth, righteousness and holiness.
man or woman who is fanatical about flesh-and-blood sports, while
disinterested in great Biblical, doctrinal and spiritual controversies
has been blinded and anesthetized by carnality, and does not realize
that Satan has effectively derailed them from their divine purpose.
Jesus came to seek and save them who are lost, and destroy the works of
the devil. The Church must take up His Sword, the Word of God, and
engage His adversaries in His name. We are called to be soldiers in the
army of the Lord. It should be our great joy to fight His battles.
Little David took great delight in taking down Goliath, "the
uncircumcised Philistine" who was the iconic adversary of God's people.
There are plenty of giants now standing in the battlefield railing
against God and His people. "Is there not a cause?" Go. Fight. Win. In
Jesus' name.
"Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier
of Jesus Christ. No man that warreth entangleth himself with the
affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a
soldier," 2 Timothy 2:3-4.
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