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"The wicked shall be turned into Hell." Ps. 9:17 |
If you believe that God is THREE co-equal persons, not ONE LORD according to Deuteronomy 6:4...
AND if you do not believe that you must be baptized in Jesus' name for the remission of sins according to Acts 2:38...
AND if you do not believe that you must be baptized in the Holy Ghost, speaking in tongues according to Romans 8:9...
AND if you do not believe that holy, separated living is essential as per Hebrews 12:14...
Then you and I will NOT spend eternity in the same place.
One of us is going to Hell.
If God is a Trinity, I am going to Hell, because I utterly despise the Trinity doctrine and believe that it is a damnable heresy.
If water baptism in the TITLES is necessary to salvation, then I am going to Hell, because I do not believe there is any salvation whatsoever in pronouncing titles. Salvation is only in the NAME of Jesus. "There is none other name under Heaven given among men, whereby we MUST be saved," (Acts 4:12) than the name of Jesus.
NO ONE in the New Testament was baptized in titles. Not ONE! EVERY single example recorded in the New Testament reveals that ALL the Apostles' converts were baptized in the NAME of the Lord Jesus. Those who refuse to be baptized in the name of Jesus are refusing an essential step in the New Birth of water and Spirit that JESUS HIMSELF taught in John 3:3-8.
If you can be born again without receiving the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues, then I will almost certainly go to Hell, since I steadfastly declare that NOBODY has the Spirit of Christ - the baptism of the Holy Ghost - without the initial evidence of speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gives the utterance. I mercilessly denounce those who claim otherwise, since their position is utterly contrary to the scriptures and therefore heretical. "Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his," Romans 8:9.
And if you can be saved without living and practicing a holy separated life, then I will likely go to Hell, because I loudly condemn carnal, worldly lifestyles among professing Christians. If those people are actually saved without holiness, they are in contradiction of Hebrews 12:14 which says that without holiness, "NO MAN SHALL SEE THE LORD." I am a relentless opponent of those who preach, teach, and defend worldly, carnal, selfish lifestyles that are tainted by unholy and ungodly practices.
I personally quit - renounced and denounced - the Trinitarian religion because I did not believe I could be saved worshiping a false trinity - since God is NOT a trinity. The LORD our God is ONE Lord - not three. God was IN Christ, reconciling the world to Himself (not themselves). The Father is in the Son. God is in Christ. The Spirit is in the man Jesus. "I and my Father are ONE" Jesus said. "If you have seen me, you have seen the Father." I have both researched and written hundreds of well-substantiated pages of Biblical proofs of the Oneness of God.
I personally quit - renounced and denounced - the Trinitarian religion because I did not believe I could be saved worshiping a false trinity - since God is NOT a trinity. The LORD our God is ONE Lord - not three. God was IN Christ, reconciling the world to Himself (not themselves). The Father is in the Son. God is in Christ. The Spirit is in the man Jesus. "I and my Father are ONE" Jesus said. "If you have seen me, you have seen the Father." I have both researched and written hundreds of well-substantiated pages of Biblical proofs of the Oneness of God.
I personally quit - renounced and denounced - the practice of baptizing people in TITLES only because I did not believe that I or my family would be saved without being baptized in the name of Jesus FOR THE REMISSION OF OUR SINS (Acts 2:38). There is not one shred of evidence in the scriptures that water baptism in the TITLES was ever practiced by the Early Church. That practice is contrary to ancient practice, and therefore saves no one. It never has, and never will.
I personally renounce and denounce all forms of non-Pentecostal "Christianity" because I do not believe that anyone is genuinely BORN AGAIN without doing the three things JESUS required in John 3:3-7 and PETER commanded in Acts 2:38:
1. Full repentance of their sins,
2. Water baptism in the name of Jesus for the REMISSION of sins as the WATER BIRTH, and
3. the Baptism of Holy Ghost speaking in other tongues as the SPIRIT birth.
The evidence shows that EVERY single writer in the New Testament spoke in tongues, and preached that everyone should be baptized in the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues. The 120 in the Upper Room spoke in tongues, as did the 3000 converts on the day of Pentecost, and another 5000 soon thereafter. The Ephesian Church spoke in tongues. The Corinthian Church spoke in tongues. In fact, there is NOT ONE CHURCH mentioned in the New Testament that was not commanded to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost with speaking in tongues.
And I renounce and denounce all ministries and "churches" that reject the historical biblical teachings on holiness and separation from the world. I utterly deny that holiness standards are "LEGALISM!" as its detractors maliciously insist. The Church is called to be holy because God is holy. Without holiness, NO MAN SHALL SEE THE LORD (Hebrews 12:14).
If I am wrong, I'm going to Hell, because I refuse to believe or teach otherwise.
One of us is going to Hell, because in the final analysis, we do NOT believe in the SAME GOD, the SAME GOSPEL, or the SAME PLAN OF SALVATION. I have studied this matter intensely and thoroughly for literally tens of thousands of hours, and I am gambling my ETERNAL SOUL that I am right.
If I really thought I was going to HELL for being a ONENESS, APOSTOLIC, ACTS 2:38, PENTECOSTAL, HOLINESS preacher, I would renounce and denounce it this very moment. But I never will.